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Se ha superado el tiempo de espera para el pago según su FAQ. No nos pagó. Foro repleto de SPAM y el Admin está desaparecido.
Click: $0.01
Click Referido: $0.0025
Límite de referidos: Ilimitado
Mínimo: $4
Medios de pago: Payza/Paypal/EgoPay
Tiempo de pago: Manual dice 2 dias le damos 7
Estado: Esperando pago
Pagos recibidos: 1 ($3.91)
Total de referidos: 72

Valoración de los usuarios:   0.0/5 [Ver opiniones] [Valorar]
Últimas noticias
Hoy el Admin nos dice que el era parte del equipo de PtcStairs y BuxBery pero que al abrir Bronclix ya no tiene nada que ver con esos sitios, que por favor ya no envien tickets con referencia a los sitios de Lung Lee y que él tiene sus ideas para Bronclix y no va a hacer lo mismo que el otro Admin de esas 2 páginas. Además dice que ha habilitado el cobro por Paypal y que piensa agregar Perfect Money en un futuro. From: Administrator Subject: Payza withdraw available Date: March 14, 2015, 07:34 AM We have enable payza withdraw today.You can cashout from payza now.We are thinking to bring perfectmoney because we have many requests for it.But we are afraid because its not a reliable processor like payza,paypal and it can be scam like libertyreserve and egopay.I wants to know what you think about perfectmoney. We are receiving many tickets about lung lee sites and i wants to tell you I have no access there at the moment.I had work for him enough but after bronclix i had left his team and start working for my own business.few days before he ask me for help he had some issues with rented referral system.I wants to help him But i was unable to help because we was also in trouble due to fixed ads issue and rented refs click problem.We have solve these issue and my team is free at the moment but lung lee sites has been flop and we have nothing to help him because he have negative balance in main processors like paypal payza due to hundered of disputes he had try to do something but he fails to convince his members.I dont know about more than this kindly dont send more ticket about lung lee sites. I had left his team with my 4 team members and a hole was created there.lung lee can hire more staff and fill the place but he did not take it serious and he got this problem.He had no financial issue he had enough money to run sites But i will say it totally mismanagement. But i can say about me i will not repeat lung lee mistakes.I will continue my business because i have my own thinking,idea,plan and a great management.You can imagine i was with lung lee and how much he was strong.why i will not do same for my own business.I will try my best. Bronclix admin Hoang cam

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