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carlosblanco [ Viernes, 15 Agosto 2008 ]
Título del mensajeDailyclics.biz
Por si alguien tenia alguna duda aquí pongo el correo recibido d el admin de esta página. No domino mucho el inglés pero creo que tengo bastante claro lo que dice. Por cierto dailyclickspro.com ¿es del mismo admin?

Hello members of DailyClicks,

This email is to touch base with everyone,
and to give you a few updates.

Due to the fact that DC cannot possibly survive for much
longer if we dont make such changes...

We will not be allowing cashouts to Free Members any longer.
Im sorry but its just not possible, nor is it fair to our
Premium Members.

Hopefully this will speed up the process of cashing out a bit as well.

This shouldnt be such a big deal since you can upgrade
for only $5, but this doesnt mean that you can upgrade,
put in the cashout request and then cancel your subscription.

Our cashout list will show if you are upgraded or not, and your
cashout request will be denied.

You can always use your balance to advertise.

On to other news...
I dont know if everyone is aware of it or not, but we currently
have a referral raffle contest going on.

You can get your tickets here:

You can buy them using AP, PP, AG & LR.

We will also be removing incactive members soon.
Anyone who has not logged in within the last 30 days
will be considered inactive.
So you might notice your referrals list change.

Thats about all I have for today.

Thank you for your time,
DC Support

Julián [ Viernes, 15 Agosto 2008 ]
Título del mensajeRe: Dailyclics.biz [Scam]
scam... lo muevo.

kdm [ Jueves, 21 Agosto 2008 ]
Título del mensajeRe: Dailyclics.biz [Scam]
me cago en sus madres...

me quedé sin dinero... tenía $30

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